Terms of Use

Use of the website

TÜCHLER allows you to view and download the content of this website only for private, non-commercial use, provided that all copyright and other proprietary rights of the original content are indicated in each copy of the content. The content of this website must not be modified in any way and must not be reproduced, publicly displayed, demonstrated, distributed or used otherwise for official or commercial purposes. The use of the content of this website on another website or in network environments is prohibited. The content of this website is protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use of the content of this website may violate copyright, trademark or other legal provisions. The mere fact that a trademark is mentioned should not lead to the conclusion that it is not protected by rights of third parties! If these terms are violated, your right to use this website shall expire automatically. In that case, you are obliged to immediately destroy all downloaded or printed content.


Manufacturer's warranty exclusion

TÜCHLER assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the content on this website. TÜCHLER may change the content of this website or products and prices mentioned therein at any time without prior notice. The content of this website may no longer be up to date. TÜCHLER is not obliged to update the content of this website. Certain information on this website may refer to products and services that are not available in some countries. Please contact your local TÜCHLER representative for the products and services available to you.

Links to third-party websites.


Links to other websites

Links to websites of other companies (third-party providers) contained on this website are provided solely in the interest of the user. When you click on such a link, you leave the TÜCHLER website. TÜCHLER has not checked all the websites of such third parties and therefore has no influence on these websites and their content and accepts no responsibility for them. For this reason TÜCHLER does not make any statements about these websites, about the information contained therein or about other products or other content or about results achieved through their use. Access to a third-party website via a link on this website is the sole responsibility of the user.

A liability obligation would only come into force only in the event that the author is aware of the content and that it would be technically possible and reasonable for the author to prevent use in the event of illegal content. TÜCHLER hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. TÜCHLER has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore, TÜCHLER hereby expressly distances itself from any and all content of all linked pages that were changed after the link had been set. This statement applies to any and all links and references set within TÜCHLER's own Internet offer as well as to external entries in guest books, discussion forums, link directories, mailing lists and in all other forms of databases set up by TÜCHLER, whose content can be accessed by external write access. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage arising from the use or non-use of such information, the provider of the page to which reference is made is solely liable, not the party who merely refers to the respective publication via links.

Links to this website

You are allowed to create links to this website from other websites. However, you must observe the guidelines for links to TÜCHLER websites as well as applicable laws.

General information

Note: Links to the TÜCHLER website must comply with the guidelines for links to TÜCHLER websites and all applicable laws.

Guidelines for links to TÜCHLER websites

A website that contains a link to the TÜCHLER website:

  • May create a link to, but not replicate, TÜCHLER content.
  • Must not create a browser or window environment around TÜCHLER content.
  • Must not give the impression that TÜCHLER endorses this website and the products contained therein
  • Must not allow its relationship with TÜCHLER to appear in a false light
  • Must not contain false information about TÜCHLER products and services
  • Must not use the TÜCHLER logo or other trademarks without the express permission of TÜCHLER
  • Must not contain content that could be considered as distasteful, offensive or controversial, but only content that is appropriate for all users.

This website is administered by TÜCHLER in Vienna, Austria. These terms and conditions are governed by the law of the Republic of Austria. The place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes is Vienna, Austria for entrepreneurs. TÜCHLER makes no statements on whether the content of this website is appropriate or available for use outside the countries in which TÜCHLER or any of its affiliates is located, or that access to the content of this website is permitted outside such territory; such access is at the user's own initiative and risk. Users are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws.


TÜCHLER may update or change these terms and conditions at any time. You should visit this page from time to time to inform yourself about the currently valid terms and conditions, as these are binding as amended. Some of these terms and conditions may be superseded by legal notices or provisions contained on specific pages of this website.

Last updated: October 2013

Copyright © 2021 Tüchler Bühnen- und Textiltechnik GmbH. Designed by Weboffice GmbH & Co. KG.