Company - Passion - History

TÜCHLER - Our Company

Our passion: Venues

Since 1968 venues have been our passion.
TÜCHLER's goal has always been to provide our products and services so as to make venues more practical, quieter, louder, brighter, darker, nicer, safer - simply better.

Therefore, it is

TÜCHLER's claim: we make venues better 


Together we are strong

Even though it may sound a bit lofty: only you as our customers pay our wages and salaries, and not "the company" or "the boss"! - and we are well aware of that.

This is one of the reasons why customer orientation has always been our top priority. This attitude has helped us build long-term, often decades of partnerships with many of our customers, benefiting both partners every day.

While everyone, from management down to individual staff members, strive to give their very best to live up to that commitment, things that annoy you may happen.

But please do not keep that to yourself: talk to us, we appreciate your opinion!
Our purpose is to become better every day so as to offer you perfect service down the road!
Your opinion has always been important to us and allows the company to look back on a successful track record:


Company history

Founded in the 1960s by Franz Tüchler, the Franz Tüchler company, as it was called then, was engaged in wholesale, partly retail, delivery of flame-retardant textiles to Austrian theatres, operas, multi-purpose halls etc. In 1983, textile chemist Gunter Lach took over the four-man business. As the company was well known in the industry, the company name Tüchler was retained.

The focus on constant improvement of services and deliveries for a rapidly growing customer base in Austria and its concurrent successful first-time appearance in other European countries was the starting point for a remarkable rise in business activities.

As it took the store in Neustiftgasse (near Volkstheater) in Vienna only little more than one year to reach maximum capacity, it had to be moved. About five times larger, the new premises also located in Neustiftgasse (near Neubaugasse) burst at their seams in only two years. In 1988 the company moved to a building in Abelegasse in Vienna's 16th district, covering 700 m² and home to Tüchler GmbH for six years, before, after some additions and extensions, the floor area again was no longer sufficient.

In 2001 a new building accommodating today's company headquarters located at Rennbahnweg 78, 1220 Vienna, offering around 700 m² of office space and 2000 m² of storage and production space, was opened.

In September 2005 Tüchler GmbH was acquired by Christoph and Georg Lach, who each are 50 % shareholders and managing directors. The establishment of branch offices in the Czech Republic in 1988, in Germany in 2003, and in Poland in 2005 set further milestones for market development close to customers. 

In 2019 a subsidiary was set up in Russia.

In addition, sales partners are located in Bulgaria, the Benelux countries, the United Kingdom, Finland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Hungary and numerous other countries.

Today, Tüchler has more than 1000 customers in Austria and many other countries in Europe and Asia and employs a staff of around 60 employees.

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